


Question by  Adeshong (14)

Does a hole in a tree mean it is rotting?


Answer by  Mufflerman (42)

Not necessarilly. If there is a hole in the tree it could mean that an animal has logded itself inside the tree as it's home. If there is a hole in the tree it could also mean that a woodpecker or some other animal is pecking/eating at the wood. It also depends on the size of the hole.


Answer by  worker8739 (555)

The hole may be due to insects, some of which may be benefecial to the environment. As long as the tree is not under stress, no action is necessary.


Answer by  sylwenger (27)

no actually a hole in a younger tree can mean it lost a branch or it is growing around something foriegn that has been lodged or left in the tree.


Answer by  GKRISHNAVENI (126)

Hole in a staright line then it is due to lightning if it is branch cut of the branch using the carpenter.

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