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Question by  cwmom24 (16)

Do you need a special donut maker to make them at home?

I thought it would be a fun project for the kids.


Answer by  jangm96 (899)

Here's an easy way to make donuts at home using refrigerator tube biscuits. This was taught to me in home economics class. Make a hole in center each biscuit. Have an adult fry 'donuts' in hot oil. Brown on both sides. Drain on paper towels, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.


Answer by  Atomicrayon (2504)

Techinically you do not, although your donuts will come out with a much lower quailty, a simple pan of appropriate shape can be used to make your donuts-in your oven.


Answer by  Dsuds (21)

A fun and safe way is with can biscuits and a fryer. Just let the kids poke the biscuits with their fingers and stretch out a little hole. Next the Adult can just drop them in the oil 2 or 3 at a time, and just flip them once. Cool then shake in a ziplock bag with toppings of chioce.


Answer by  caylascreations78 (489)

No, all you need for donuts is a regular deep fryer. Make the dough, poke out the middle, and drop them in the grease.


Answer by  klypos (271)

You only need a special donut maker if you want to make ring donuts - and those are relatively cheap. Search for "donut recipe" and you get lots of ways to make them, and they all taste better fresh. All you need is a "fat pan" and basic stuff.

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