

Question by  dream088 (5)

Do the menopausal years cause stomach pain?


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

Stomach pain is usually a result of gas that is normal while you are on menopause. Though if the stomach pain lasts 3 days or more, go to the doctor.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

I have not known stomach pain with the menopause. When your periods become less frequent you can have the cramps if you are having one period in six months, then it stops. If there is constant irregular bleeding or very heavy periods when you are on the menopause investigation will be needed.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Unfortunately this does happen. Every once in a while, I use to get pains on the side by the ovaries. It would only last a short time and it would not happen every month. If you are experiencing pains in the stomach area only, I would see your gynocologist for a consultation.


Answer by  queenbee77 (146)

Stomach pains during menstration at not at all uncommon. They are caused by contractions of the uterus during the menstral cycle.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Typically menopause does not cause stomach pain. The cause of your stomach pain should be investigated as it is unlikely to be related to menopause.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

If you are just starting menopause they can be normal. Espcially if you still have an occasional period. This could be your body still going through the motions. If you are well into menopause and the pain is more than normal gas pains (which menopause can make more frequent) you need to see your doctor.


Answer by  Turks (319)

Menopausal pains are most of the time diffrent with diffrent body types. Many women might get pains while some might not. It also depends, wether the person is the one who excercises. If they do excercise there are chances of not getting abdominal pains during menopause. There are actually very few women who complain of menopausal pains.

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