

Question by  elsewhen (627)

Do rainy days make you feel depressed?

please explain why they do or they do not.


Answer by  Anonymous

Yes, I hate having no sun to cheer me up or wake me up. I hate walking through the rain and getting wet despite your best attempts not too, then being wet the whole day because your clothes never quite dry. It's horrible.


Answer by  Anonymous

No, I actually like the rain. Of course it spells inconvenience when you're out, but when I'm indoors, I enjoy the sound of the rain, and the smell, and the nice temperature. I find that I remember situations/things better when I associate it with the rain.


Answer by  Anonymous

Rainy days make me feel alive. I always try to get outside and walk through the storm. Grey, overcast days are good too, but there's nothing quite like a rainstorm to make me want to get up and accomplish something.


Answer by  Anonymous

Rainy days in so called summer depress me - I suffer from SAD and this spring is awful beacause the weather has been so poor. When the sun shines I feel alive and that I can cope with anything.


Answer by  Anonymous

I live in a part of Australia where rain is a rariety, so whenever it rains everyone is excited and happier than usual.


Answer by  Anonymous

Yes they do. Everyone knows that the first color you see in the morning will establish your mood, and opening my window to a gray, wet day is depressing. I usually stay inside with a headache on days like this.


Answer by  Anonymous

Yes, if all day is dark and rainy. I need The Sun, as much as possible


Answer by  Anonymous

Yes, on rainy days I don't know what to do with myself. I end up wandering around my house aimlessly from chore to chore. I don't see a reason to smile because the world is not smiling outside either.


Answer by  somerset (801)

I can not say I feel depressed, but sun definitely cheers me up. It is quite a downer though if you live in a area with gray sky and lots of rain most of the time. I like sunshine.


Answer by  JohnnyUniteUs (174)

Rainy days do not make me feel depressed. On the contrary, I enjoy rainy days. I enjoy the cool weather they create and the way they cause everyone to flee indoors. It is nice to look outside on a rainy day and smell the wet concrete.


Answer by  Anonymous

yes and i was wondering how can i avoid feeling like that


Answer by  Anonymous

yes, i usually feel so depressed, i just lack of sunlight.


Answer by  mgbat (15)

Rainy days do not make me feel depressed. It is comforting to listen to the drops as they hit the tin roof of my apartment. I enjoy the cool breeze that comes in the window as the rain pours outside. It's fun to read a book and drink a cup of coffee while it rains.


Answer by  klmake136 (19)

No, I do not feel depressed on rainy days. I love to hear the rain, especially on a tin roof. To me it is very relaxing. And another reason that I would love to hear rain is because we are having a drought at this time.

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