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Question by  sunny83 (157)

Do multiple monitors increase efficiency?

I am thinking about getting a second monitor and am wondering whether it's worth the investment.


Answer by  apple (447)

Absolutely! I've seen figures saying that efficiency is increased with a second monitor by 33% or even 45%. I personally have found myself to be *much* more productive with a second monitor -- so much so that I'm contemplating getting a third.

Reply by hefito (226):
I think you really notice the benefits of a second monitor when you go back to a single monitor. Since getting my second monitor, I often find myself only working at my desk (where my second monitor is) rather than working on the couch with my (single monitor) laptop.  add a comment

Answer by  SanoIchiro (104)

Multiple monitors make better use of the workspace on your desktop. It allows for more windows to remain open while you are working so there is less shifting between them.


Answer by  daddydaycare (46)

Multiple monitors can increase efficiency when you are working from home provided that your computer is powerful enough. To run multiple monitors you need a video card that is capable of running two monitors at once. If you are running two separate programs on two different screens it can bog down your cpu if it is not powerful enough.


Answer by  Sabharish (1610)

Multiple monitors doesn't affect or increase efficiency because there is no overhead because of multiple monitors and no gain other than viewing the content in different place.


Answer by  cyb (7)

It depends heavily on what you do with your computer, but for tasks like writing or drawing there will be a great productivity improvement for sure. With two monitors you can have two maximized windows of anything at the same time, without needing to use ALT+TAB to switch between them.

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