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Question by  loneranger (47)

Do I have to use pink or blue for a baby announcement card?

I want to do something different.


Answer by  dedre (998)

The color of a baby announcement card does not have to be blue for boys or pink for girls. Currently, there are many choices to be considered. The color of the card is actually insignificant; it is the style and presentation of the card that is most important when creating them.


Answer by  CC63 (406)

No, absolutely not! You can use any color or any design. Some people just use animals or fun patterns, not necessarily a blue or pink. Green is okay too, and yellow, they are neutral colors as well.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

No, you absolutely do not "have" to use pink or blue for a baby announcement card. Infact, you can use any color you wish to use. You should feel free to design the card entirely to your liking and feel free to use any colors you want. Use colors that reflect your personality!


Answer by  lily290 (134)

It's not a hard and fast etiquette rule that only the colors pink or blue can be used for baby announcement cards. You are welcome to use any color you like.

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