Can you use interchangeable lenses on a Canon digital camera?
Do they still sell 35 mm cameras?
Does Canon make good digital cameras?
How do I know which Canon digital camera would be best for me?
How would you describe the quality of Canon cameras \?
What kind of film can I get for a Canon EOS Rebel?
Where can I find a good selection of Canon camera gadget bags?
Question by Feisty (87)
Answer by takeshi (432)
They do exist. However, the dl-9000 is not an official product by Canon. It's fake, like the Nikon DL-9000 and Kodak DL-9000.
Answer by alexsoko (47)
The Canon DL-9000 cameras DO exist. It was not advertised heavily in the US and was sold mainly (possibly exclusively) overseas.
Answer by TennG78 (254)
The Canon DL-9000 digital camera is a real product produced by Canon. It is considered a SLR (singe lens reflex) camera meaning it is more powerful than basic point and shoot cameras. Estimated price for one is around $360.
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