mental health


Question by  Bob1226 (74)

Could panic attacks have occurred from work-related problems?


Answer by  jenshady (139)

Stress and anxiety at work could definitely cause a panic attack. Anything that makes you nervous, such as not meeting quota, or too much work and not enough time is capable of causing stress so severe that symptoms of anxiety leading up to a panic attack can occur.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Panic attacks can happen when you are under a lot of stress or in a stressful situation. So yes, work problems could have caused this.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

Absolutely. Panic attacks can be caused, and can happen anywhere. They are generally stressed induced, and if you are in a high stressful job, this is more than likely the cause.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

Panic attacks can occur for many reasons. Work-related problems can increase one's stress level. With increased stress levels one could develop panic attacks. Some people don't like crowds and may have panic attacks around large numbers of people. Some people can have panic attacks without really knowing the cause.

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