health conditions


Question by  Anonymous

Could enlarged prostate or excessive intestinal gas be part what is causing excessive back pain, especially on waking up?


Answer by  Aubs (1089)

Absolutely! Especially the intestinal gas part. Once you have lain all night without much movement, your body slows down its functions, which can cause a build up of gas. Did you eat before bed? This can be a true problem, as your digestive abilities reduce once your body rests.


Answer by  Midnyt (26)

It is possible that an enlarged prostrated or excessive intenstinal gas could result in excessive back pain, as both of these conditions can cause excessive pressure on the lower back.


Answer by  danielledc2b (61)

Enlarged prostate especially could be causing back pain, because it radiates pain to the lumbar spine. Intestinal gas would usually just cause severe abdominal pain.


Answer by  jheremans (1446)

A possible cause of your back pain, though it might not be the real under lying cause. Though if you have these disorders you might want to be concerned if you have a cyst growing which can cause your back pain or it may be a completely separate cause.

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