

Question by  MegO (20)

Could eczema be caused by an allergy to certain foods?

My baby has sever eczema and is also allergic to milk.


Answer by  worker7186 (198)

Many experts do not believe that eczema is connected to food allergies, but if your child's eczema gets worse every time he or she has milk products, then it could be that is a trigger for him and you should talk to your pediatrician about food allergies.


Answer by  wantabemedic (345)

Research shows that food is not the cause of eczema but can certainly trigger a flare up of eczema. Eczema is a form of allergy, which is an imbalace in a person's immune system. While foods are not the dominate irritant of eczema, certain food can possibly cause a trigger, such as cow's milk.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Eczema is not caused by milk allergy unless the child is bathed in milk. However, the same immune system condition that leads to allergic tendencies also raises the risk of eczema. It is similar to a child with asthma (immune system reacting to inhaled chemicals) also reacting to allergens (pollen, cat dander). Same to similar cause, but not same thing.

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