health conditions


Question by  ebobbitt (1)

Could a mammogram the week before give you a Neutrophils (37) and a Lymphs(54) reading on a lab report?


Answer by  Rathjinngmailcom (234)

Neutrophils are the first white blood cells to arrive at an infection. However the Lymph count normal range is 0-38. This may be a early sign of an infection inside your body. It is highly unlikely you recieved an infection from a mammogram. Ask your doctor about antibiotics or other infection fighting medication.


Answer by  GeorgeT (94)

No, the exam will not affect the body in any such way that it could increase or decrease the number of those or any other kind of cells in the patients plasma. The mammogram is a simple scan of the mammary tissue, and does not interfere with the immune system in any way.


Answer by  stiners (221)

No. These lab values are representative of something affecting your immune system. A mammogram would not put you at greater risk for any kind of infection, so your immune system would not be reacting to it. The radiation involved in receiving a mammogram is minimal, so this should not affect your immune system either.


Answer by  soothsayer (500)

Mammogram is a reasonably safe screening procedure. The radiation exposure level is low and it is unlikely to cause neutropenia or other radiation related ill-effects.

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