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Question by  becki (229)

Can you use Johnson and Johnson Baby Shampoo on an adult?

Will it still get my hair clean?


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Yes. Of course you can still use Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo, even if you are an adult. It is gentle for you and your hair. I would still recommend using a deeper cleaning shampoo at least once a week or once every other week if needed.


Answer by  timothyhalloran (38)

Yes, Johnson and Johnson CO. actually encourage adults to use their baby products. The only difference is the chemicals are less harsh than regular shampoos. Good luck!


Answer by  aecarpenter (516)

Yes, you could still use it on adult hair and it will still clean your hair. It may take a time or two to clean your hair but it should still clean it. They can make it gentler because babies don't have the same oil and dirt on their hair that adults do.

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