

Question by  GK1 (152)

Can you suggest some toddler party games for a birthday party?

My son is turning two and I want the party to be special.


Answer by  lgk (2426)

You can try having a stacking game for the kids with mutli-colored blocks. My son loved that at his party. He also enjoyed the baby boogey contest, where we let them all dance to toddler songs in their own way.


Answer by  dyinghere (6)

I say just stick with play-dough and finger paints! They were great for me when I was young. Or you can try pin the tail on the donkey with wall-tack.


Answer by  Clambake39 (142)

Some ideas for party games that your son and his guest might enjoy are simple games like London Bridge or Bean Bag Toss. Another fun activity is to give the adults at the party bubble solution and wands and have them blow bubbles for the children to catch.


Answer by  bassplayer (257)

There are many games toddlers can play. On being Pin the tail on the Donkey. With Safety being a big issue, Use a velcro tail instead of an actual pin. Another game could be Hide and go Seek

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