health conditions


Question by  stephaniecostello (36)

Can you have herpes on your stomach?


Answer by  scigirl (129)

Yes, you can get herpes on your stomach. If your stomach area has come in contact with the herpes virus on someone else, it can be easily transferred to you.


Answer by  becky35 (108)

It is quite possible to get them anywhere on your body. The most common stop is the mouth or genitals. While it is rare to get them on your stomach, still can happen.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

I am pretty sure that depending on where you are exposed to the disease, you can get it on any part of your body. If you suspect that you do have herpes on your stomach it is important to go see a doctor and to get a test. It could be a number of things, but probably needs treatment.


Answer by  juliannna (639)

Though it is very rare and there have been few cases of it,yes you can have herpes on your stomach. It is much more common near the mouth however.


Answer by  user1583 (28)

Herpes is traditionally on mouth or gentitals it is not impossible to be in other locations but very rare for it to appear in other locations.

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