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 birds  pets


Question by  Castlekeeper (39)

Can you give me a hand raising lovebirds?


Answer by  KLR (606)

Lovebirds are generally easy to bread as they are quite hardy. The most difficult part is ensuring that you have a male and female. Provide a nest box and nest making materials. Babies must be hand fed and handled to ensure that they will be good pets.


Answer by  hankadoo (148)

While I would be happy to give you a hand raising lovebirds, which are delightful, I probably don't live anywhere nearby you.


Answer by  astrojazz (367)

Lovebirds can be a difficult bird to raise. My best advice is to purchase, or get from the library, a good book about raising them.


Answer by  KLR (606)

Lovebirds are fairly easy to raise, the most difficult element is ensuring that you have a male and female. Need small nest box, supply nexting material and good diet.

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