

Question by  chickenrancher (2)

Can you dust chickens with Sevin?


Answer by  Ella22 (610)

Yes, you can dust chickens with Sevin dust when they get mites. Treatments should be applied to the flock as well as where they roost. The health of the flock depends on getting rid of parasites and Sevin Dust will do the trick. Reapply when it rains.


Answer by  eiryck (847)

Definitely, sevin could be used to dust chickens to keep them healthy and to avoid parasitic infestation. This is applicable when signs of parasite infestation is noticeable in the area where they are staying. Precautionary measures should be followed as this is a chemical and its formulation should be noted so as not to have undesirable effects to the chicken.


Answer by  JaydeesLaydee (523)

Yes, you can dust them with Sevin dust. I dust mine with it. It has been proven effective against mites and bird lice, even ticks. Just be careful not to get it into their nostrils and do it in a well ventilated area when you do it, or it can cause breathing problems.

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