Can I cut back an Aloe Vera plant?
Can you drink aloe vera juice?
How much grape juice can I drink to achieve health benefits?
Is there any truth to the claims of the benefits of aloe vera juice?
What are benefits of an aloe vera drink?
What are the benefits of aloe vera juice?
What kind of dirt do aloe vera plants like?
Question by Laura41 (5)
I know you can apply it externally.
Answer by S93 (524)
Aloe vera juice can be consumed, and is known to be very effective for heartburn and symptoms related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Answer by Jonah14 (640)
Yes, although it's not the same form, obviously the aloe vera juice being much more fluid than the one you apply externally.
Answer by snappies (579)
Yes, you can drink aloe vera juice and many health food stores sell it to drink. It's a product that is good for the inside and the outside.
Answer by decomom (923)
You can drink aloe vera juice. I know that at one time it was available through Watkins and sold at in home parties. You kept it refrigerated and drank the juice.
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