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Question by  rockstarsloveme (21)

Can you be charged with possession if your rights are not read to you?

The police took me into custody for possession of marijuana, but I was not read my rights. Can I be charged?


Answer by  Lanie (17)

Everytime someone get arressted for what-ever reason they should always have there rights read. You can still be charge but it has grounds to fight it in court.


Answer by  John (9008)

You can still be charged. Not having been read your rights can invalidate any confession that you may have made, and may help you to be released on bail while the charges are pending, but you can still be charged and convicted.


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

Yes you can be charged with posession but you can make the argument that they did not read you your rights. The problem may be that the officer will argue that they DID read you your rights.


Answer by  safetyshield (46)

Miranda,self incrimination? Think about it. If the arresting officer reacted to a responsive or reactive behavior by you,they were within legal limits in omitting your Miranda Rights. If they smelled the marijuana or you said something they could 'play'on in the interview,yes,you may be charged.

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