


Question by  sanandraj (26)

Can I lock my dog in the garage?

I don't mean forever. I just mean overnight.


Answer by  Jim46 (33)

Yes, it's ok to do. Just make sure the dog has a comfortable place to sleep, and some water. If it regularly sleeps in a cage or on a pad, put it in the garage for it.


Answer by  Rychard (21)

A short answer to your question is: Yes, it should be fine. However, dogs, much like people, have personalities that might not agree with this particular answer. Feel free to try, but if your dog stays up all night howling, it might not be a good idea.


Answer by  dcrusher59 (590)

You can, depending on teh dog size and the size of your garage. If he doesn't destroy anything in the house while your away he should be fine in the garage. Just make sure there are no chemicals he can get into and poison himself.


Answer by  Anonymous

Would you want to sleep in a garage all night?!? Probably not!!!

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