Can a prepaid US Cellular phone receive ring tones?
Can you play Xbox 360 games on a regular Xbox?
How do I get ringtones for a Virgin Mobile phone?
How do I put Disney ring tones on my phone?
How do I use music on a rant for a ring tone?
What are some cool ring tones?
What are some ring tones for Motorola cell phones?
phone video games
Question by Rajesh39 (2)
I love those songs!
Answer by hulmer (1067)
You can probably get these songs from a free ring tone provider. (A quick google search or asking a friend should give you some results.) You can also download the songs and use ring tone software to make your own.
Answer by kaboom969 (242)
yes, you can have any music you want on as the ring tone your cell phone as long as you can find the files for it.
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