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Question by  Priestess (26)

Are the patterns given in Knits magazine easy to follow?

I am new to knitting.


Answer by  stitchylady (7)

Most patterns in Knitting magazines are given a rating depending on their difficulty level. Therefore they are easy to follow for everyone if you pick the level appropriate for you.


Answer by  KammyDee (7)

Yes! I do think they are easy to follow. When I had started knitting, I was looking for a site that gave simple, clear directions. I googled "knitting patterns" and Knits magazine's website was one of the first that appeared. I clicked the link, and scanned the catalog of patterns that were available. I used one for my first project.


Answer by  ginette (6)

I am a complete novice at knitting, and I have found Knits magazine an absolute Godsend. The patterns are clear and easy to follow, and have helped me to produce some beautiful pieces, which have really inspired me to keep at it. Looking forward to tackling something a bit more advanced with the help of Knits.


Answer by  judithr105 (269)

Most of the patterns are easy to follow as they have both charts and written instructions. The difficulties lie in having the skills needed to complete the project.

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