

Question by  MThorpe (46)

Are magnesium supplements safe during pregnancy?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

No it is not safe, do not take any tablets that have not been prescribed by your doctor. Try to eat a healthy diet which is rich in magnesium if you need this supplement.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Anything you take during your pregnancy, needs to be approved by your doctor. To much of anything can cause severe problems. If you are taking them you need to stop and talk to your doctor on your next visit.


Answer by  Twins3307 (97)

Yes, magnesium supplements are not only safe during pregnancy, but are often recommended. Magnesium can help to build and repair body tissue, and if you don't get magnesium during your pregnancy, it can lead to a number of birth defects.


Answer by  Aumin (276)

It is advised to not take supplements (except prenatal) during pregnancy. It is better to get magnesium from healthy foods such as: almonds, spinach, yogurt, and sunflower seeds. if you are still unsure, it would be advised to contact your doctor and find out what is safe for you.

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