health conditions


Question by  hmg236 (30)

Are dark circles a sign of autism?

I know a boy with dark circles and I think he is autistic.


Answer by  linsm (898)

Dark circles probably are not a sign of autism. Eye rubbing due to sleeplessness, as well as allergies, genetics, various disorders such as liver disease cause dark circles.


Answer by  Amie1084 (181)

There has been no evidence found that dark circles is a sign of autism. Like in adults, dark circles are caused by nasal congestion, lack of sleep, frequent eye rubbing, hayfever, genetics, dehydration, allergies,eczema and Phenol sulfotransferase deficiency.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Dark circles under the eyes may be due to allergies, and are often referred to as "allergic shiners," because it looks like the individual has been punched in the eye. Dark circles under the eye or anywhere else are not an indication of autism.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

No dark circles can be a condition from alot of things. Not enough sleep it one. People with autism look normal but their minds acts different. They might be quiet or loud. They might be smart in math and calculations or not. There are many forms of autism, and until you find out for sure don't judge him or her.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Dark circles have nothing to do with autism. Dark eye circles are usually inherited or they can be a sign of tiredness or sometimes women get them right around their period time. It would just be a coincidence for the boy to have dark circles and autism, it isn't a symptom.


Answer by  Lite05 (59)

Most dark circles are not signs of autism because dark circles can also occur due to lack of sleep, poor digestion of food and anemia. It usually occurs to those persons who fail to eat nutritious food and live in insanitary conditions. Dark circles may also occur if there is heavy loss of blood from our body.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

This is not an official marker but autism is linked to autoimmune disorders, and allergies are one of the autoimmune disorders.


Answer by  prissymissy (1895)

Dark circles under the eyes or anywhere else on the body are absolutely not a sign of autism. There is no link whatsoever between these two conditions.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Sark circles have nothing to do with autism. Circles under the eyes are usually heredity or a sign of fatigue. Some people just have naturally very thin skin under their eyes.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

There are no physical signs of autisim like dark circles under the eyes or larger limbs. Autisim is a neurological disorder.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

He would have to be seen by a doctor, the doctor would know if he is autistic. Only the doctor would know for sure. The doctor should run tests on him to find out.

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