health conditions


Question by  Bzzy (40)

Are brain lesions on an MRI associated with lymes?


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

They can be, brain lession can have a variety of causes and a doctos should be able to tell which kind it is. Lyme can be tested for in a blood test but in advanced stages it can be damaging to nerves and the brain along with it. Brain lesions should be taken seriously.


Answer by  mb (5482)

There is not any strong evidence that MRI discovered brain lesions are associated with lyme disease. It is another disease process at work.


Answer by  MattK (1713)

Having Lymes disease does not necessarily mean you are going to have lesions on an MRI, at least not in the early stages of the disease. Later, usually after some symptoms, such as bone aches have begun, are lesions detected on MRI.


Answer by  nairjula (559)

The brain leasions in a Magentic resonance image could be related to many things. It could be due to multiple sclerosis, vertiular schwanoma or even lyme diseases. We will not be in a position to straight away state what could be the precise reason for the lesions. The MRI should be examined.

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