

Question by  babybutrfly2002 (14)

Are acid fast bacteria clear in gram stain?


Answer by  JennW (342)

All acid-fast bacteria are Gram positive - and will therefore retain the purple color of the crystal violet of Gram staining. But the reverse is not true; not all Gram positive organisms are acid-fast.


Answer by  KLR (606)

Yes, acid fast bacteria are clear or invisible when stained, as they can not be stained with the a gram stain.


Answer by  jaison23 (172)

Yes acid fast bacteria are clear in gram stain samples, and they might be postive and a negative gram stain after testing, depending on the condition of infection of the patient.


Answer by  TMyers (1084)

Yes, acid fast bacteria can not be stained using this method so the bacteria are basically invisible. These are usually labeled gram negative even though that is not necessarily the case.

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