- Short Answers


Question by  PowerIsMe (844)

Is there some kind of fund for people who can't afford to divorce?


Answer by  Rose (6804)

There are probona attorneys that can assist you with a divorce and there are websites that can provide you with the necessary forms to file a divorce without an attorney. As far as government agencies there are none that will pay for a divorce for you. You could contact your local churches for advice as well.


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

There is free and low cost legal assistance in every town and there are also divorces that can be had for around $100 dollars.


Answer by  timmsa (577)

It does depend on the state, but most states do have what called a fee waiver program. They take into consideration your income and family size. This will again vary from state to state. You should contact your local court house to determine what the income level is for your family size. And ask them about their fee waiver program.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

No, but there are ways for you to make a divorce less expensive for yourself. If you try to handle the divorce yourself, ask the court for a packet and fill out the paperwork. Or you can call your local law bar and see if there are any pro-bono lawyers or cheap lawyers to help you.

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