how to


Question by  AJ1987 (18)

How do you get rid of annoying people?

I never know what to say to this kind of people to let them know I do not want to talk to them.


Answer by  mooman2679 (1018)

Personally, I found the best way to get rid of annoying people is to just ignore them as much as you possibly can. If they call you, don't answer the call. If they text you, don't text back. Eventually, they should get the hint and will stop bugging you so much.


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

To get rid of annoying people change the subject, leave the converstaion, go to the bathroom, or come up with a great excuse for you to dismiss yourself from the conversation.


Answer by  Anonymous

Look em dead in the eye like your going to kill them if they keep talking :D But don't say anything because then they'll have even more to tal about...


Answer by  Anonymous

Show them that you are too busy to talk back.


Answer by  vampy (3)

if they are on the phone tell them i am running out of credit and cut them off asap


Answer by  sabertoothardvark (66)

It is easiest if you make your self busy when they impose upon you. Seem lost in thought or deeply involved in a book. Maybe whip out the cell phone check it and say " Oh sorry you have to go I have an appointment to make. "


Answer by  Dovington (63)

Excuse me please, I have an awful lot to do right now and I can not speak with you at this time.


Answer by  Alyssa (35)

The best way to get rid of annoying people is to quit associating with them all together. If you ignore them for a long period of time they will get the hint.


Answer by  Anonymous

well you should tell them it would not hurt their fellings


Answer by  Anonymous


posted by Anonymous
yea! I love this idea!!  add a comment
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