

Question by  lopersio (2)

If my dog right paw its hurting, she has started to lick it, does that make it feel better?


Answer by  prasanthi (56)

usually dogs has most of their pain receptors and nerve endings in their paws. licking releieves its pain because of presence of some pain regression nature of saliva. dogs saliva has lysozyme which acts as an antibiotic and destroys bacteria. licking promotes blood circulation around the wound because of the stimulation of nerve endings in its paw


Answer by  kfwyatt (138)

Licking the wound helps with the healing process. By licking the paw, the dog is cleaning any dirt or debris from a cut. The saliva from the dogs mouth helps keep the wounded paw clean and protects it from getting infected. If there is not an open wound, licking the wound may help with pain.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

There is a certain enzyme or chemical in dog saliva that helps them to heal faster, so they instinctualy lick at anything that hurts or is abnormal. It is definitely a good thing, and can help her heal faster if there is an open wound.


Answer by  salina (943)

Her right paw hurting she will lick it. If the licking is to extreme it could lead to infection. There is something you can use to detour her from licking. There is a spray called "sour apple" that dogs do no like. Give it a try.

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