pet health


Question by  niyati (23)

How will I recognize mange on a sheltie?


Answer by  finette (157)

The first symptom of mange that you might notice would be the dog scratching excessively. Next you may notice skin redness and lesions. Finally, the dog's fur may fall out in patches. If you suspect mange, you should take the dog to a vet right away.


Answer by  vex (117)

The burrowing mites associated with mange will cause hair loss, blisters, and thick, dry, crusty skin especially in the face, ears, and limbs. A strong, foul odor may develop. Your dog will scratch and bite excessively at those areas, and the skin may become reddened and inflamed.


Answer by  countrygal (164)

To reconize mange you can tell by the thinning of hair around neck legs and rump on your dog. Also the area will have black spots on it that dogs will itch till they bleed in these areas.


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

Mange usually presents with parts of the coat falling out and the dog usually itches... a lot. There is also sometimes a rash present. If you even have the slightest concern that your dog has mange, take them to the vet, people can get mange too.

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