


Question by  cangel818 (981)

Will fertilizer make pumpkins grow too large?


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

Using a fertilizer will make your pumpkin grow bigger. Whether or not it is to large is a matter of personal opinion. Well fertilized pumpkins can weigh 100's of pounds.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

No. While fertilizer certainly stimulates the growth in your pumpkins it will not cause your pumpkins to become larger than they are usually. Certain types of pumpkins actually are types that will grow to be huge, so watch out on the seed package when you buy the seeds at the store.


Answer by  mahavin (589)

In case of pumpkins cultivation the fertilizer play a major role in its growth. selection of proper and good seeds would also induce the pumpkin growth. There should not be over dose of fertilizer, which would lower the pumpkin growth. Adding sulfur would lower the ph of the soil to enhance the growth.


Answer by  japratt (1687)

I would not use the type of fertilizer that you would normally use with your lawn grass. If you use this type you will end up damaging the pumpkins greatly.

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