

Question by  azcuminer (74)

Why will Microsoft Word only print the first page of the document?


Answer by  Anonymous

It's a font recognition problem. It was missing some of the original fonts used in the original document, which caused it to only print the first page. I transferred the fonts from one computer to another (C:\WINDOWS\Font). After transferring, the problem was fixed.

posted by Anonymous
Alternatively select all the text and change the font to Arial, instead of trying to figure out the missing font.  add a comment

Answer by  nimrod (321)

If you are printing using the keys Ctrl + P then you are presented with a window and many options. You have to select the "All" option to print the whole document.


Answer by  Sudar (134)

The option in the print setup would have been Current page, the mouse being in Page 1. Another reason could be the that page 1 could have been selected in the print setup. Last but not the least, the word document would have contained only 1 page with details in.


Answer by  BBBrian (282)

Make sure when you print you either have "ALL PAGES" selected or the page numbers you would like to print. You can set this in "Print Options".


Answer by  Elis (150)

It's possible that your print settings are incorrect for what you want it to do. Look at the print settings screen after you push print and make sure that you've selected the print all pages option, rather than the option to print only specific pages. Sometimes people change these settings and forget to change them back.


Answer by  richardcnkln (82)

When you go to print your document there is an option to print the whole document or just the current page. select the whole document.


Answer by  nickl2000 (540)

It would be your printer setting, at one point you click on a radio button saying print only the first page and then saved it as the default. Make sure that the "all pages" radio button is marked in the print dialogue


Answer by  chen2 (508)

Maybe microsoft word is only set to print on the first page of the document on the print set up.


Answer by  Eddy69 (73)

Because you select only one page. You need to go in "Print Options" and select "Print one time" but "All pages".

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