pet health


Question by  coj (79)

Why is my cat limping?


Answer by  Merzkiyi (604)

A vet will know for sure, it may have an injury to a paw or one of its legs. If it is an older cat, it could be arthritis.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

If it is a younger cat, the cause is probably injury. For older cats, a likely cause is arthritis, though injury could be a cause.


Answer by  Julie92 (99)

There are a few causes for this. Your cat might have something stuck in its paw. There's a possiblity it might have a hip problem.


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

Does your cat jump around? If so, it might be injured (broken, sprained) or sore. Cats try to hide injuries. Please take your cat to its vet.

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