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Question by  Peter (31)

Why is it that some lights in my house are dim and others are off?


Answer by  RAJINIVARMA (140)

It s because of low voltage. If you can fix a step up that will increase the voltage and and solve the other problems. Check out the lights which is off may be thats are fused.


Answer by  Shiji (128)

It is because of the low voltage. If there is no sufficient voltage the lights can be dim. Some lights can blink in low voltage while some others do not. There is a chance of fused or damaged light so that it cannot light. please make it check the voltage level of your electiric supply by an electrician.


Answer by  Jdog37 (592)

Could be a few different things. You may have a loose neutral somewhere, your not getting the propper voltage, or you may be using low wattage bulbs.

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