pet health


Question by  Theaterbelle (19)

Why does my new lab have dark loose stools?


Answer by  Julie3606 (49)

The best explaination for this is a change in food for the dog. It can take several days to weeks for a dog to get used to a new food. If this continues past that, take it to the vet.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

A lot of things can cause that to happen. It could be from the move it stressed the dog or there could be something in its system that isn't agreeing with it also if you changed the dogs food when you got it that can cause it to happen also.


Answer by  Sakayadream (22)

Dark loose stools may mean that your lab is sick. Is he/she showing any other signs of discomfort or possible illness? It also could be from a recent change in his food. Wet dog food is more likely to cause diarrea than dry food. People food can have that effect as well.


Answer by  Tknight (273)

Very dark, almost black loose stools could indicate a problem with the dog's stomach, and possibly internal bleeding. Monitor your dog's behavior and consult your vet immediately on the best course of action. Waiting too long can cause serious injury and death.

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