

Question by  mystic118z (20)

Why does my desktop appear on my computer, but no icons come up?


Answer by  jonesy (29)

Typically, this is caused by a program that starts up with your computer that has hung up and needs to be terminated. Alternatively, your computer may be infected with a virus or spyware. Remove unnecessary startup programs using the system configuration utility and reboot.


Answer by  sairamesh100yahoocoin (223)

first you right click the mouse button in your desktop, then select Arrange icon by then remove the tick from lock web item on desktop, then automatically all icons came up your desktop.


Answer by  deltron3030 (29)

It could be that everyone one of the Icons or shortcuts have been deleted into your recycle bin. However it also could be that someone played a joke on you, did a shift print screen and set that to be your desktop image.


Answer by  samar (124)

This once happened to me and I was confused about this too, later when I went to a IT professional who told the reason was that my pc was infected with virus and this was one reason the icons don't appear on the desktop.

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