

Question by  jimy (17)

Why does Dreamweaver only recognize .ste extensions and not .dws extensions?


Answer by  worker3242 (14)

. ste extensions are a compatible file extension. In order to use a. dws file extension one would need to convert that file extension to an alternative file extension, that Dreamweaver will recognize.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

These other extensions are not combatable with Dreamweaver. You will need to convert your files into the right format before Dreamweaver can read them.


Answer by  kseve (46)

The application may be associated in your settings to open only .ste extensions. Right click on a .dws file and select the "open with" option from the menu. In here you will be presented with a number of applications installed on your system, choose Dreamweaver and select the "always open with option", .dws will always open with Dreamweaver.


Answer by  murali680 (559)

.ste extensions and not .dws extensions are the standard and compatible one. In order to use another format in Dreamweaver we have to convert to corresponding format.


Answer by  japratt (1687)

This can only recognize these types of programs because of the extension that it uses. You can use the other ones as well.

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