health conditions


Question by  srikirthiga (35)

Why do you get calluses on your feet?

How do you get rid of them?


Answer by  Allison (187)

Calluses on your feet are caused by a build-up of strong, thick skin on the outside. They protect your feet, and originate from repeated exposure to rough surfaces and pressure, or because your feet have not been protected. They can be removed by rubbing with a pumice stone or reduced by wearing better padded shoes.


Answer by  DStone (817)

Calluses form because of pressure being applied to a part of the body over a long period of time. The skin becomes hard and rough to protect the area. The best way to get rid of them is to have them removed by a doctor and be fitted for orthotics.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

They are caused from where the shoes rub on your feet and the skin on your foot has toughened so you don't get blisters. They have creams and all different things in the stores you can buy for it.


Answer by  CELH (298)

You get calluses on your feet if one area is being rubbed excessively. If a callus didn't form it would be more painful because you would wear a hole in your skin. You can use a pumice stone to buff them down if you must show your feet or just can;t stand them.

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