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Question by  Jeek (28)

Why do women like to go shoe shopping?


Answer by  LadyofMasonManor (91)

I believe there are two reasons women like shoe shopping. The first reason is that from a young age we are taught to pamper ourselves. What better way than to 'treat' ourselves to new shoes? The second reason is that society puts so much emphases on women and shoes that we are conditioned to feel a need for new shoes.


Answer by  Janel (72)

Women generally like to go shoe shopping because shoes complete an outfit. Rather than buying a whole new wardrobe, buying new shoes can alter any outfit to look casual, chic, or professional. Also, your shoe size rarely, if ever, fluctuates, while your waistband does. Shoes always fit.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

While largely stereotypical, it's often also true, and for many reasons. Shopping is a type of 'retail therapy' for many, it's calming and relaxing. Also, women like to look good, weather it's for themselves of other people, women want to be attractive. And a good shoe is incredibly sexy, and can even make the legs and butt more attractive too.


Answer by  Jme88 (117)

As a woman, I enjoy looking for something that makes me feel cute or pretty and ties an outfit together. The right shoes can give you a little boost of confidence. Shoe shopping with friends, well, the hunt is half the fun!

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