mental health


Question by  meme (11)

Why do people who love me push me away?


Answer by  MMarie (90)

Sometimes its very difficult for some people to trust others to a certain extent. So maybe its not something that you are doing wrong, it could be that this person isn't used to having someone positive in their life. Instead of protecting themselves by being distant or overprotective they're really just pushing people away for lack of trust.


Answer by  tuppyqueen (311)

Love is a complicated thing and this person might believe they are doing the best for you if they push you away, maybe they feel like they aren't good enough for you. Just keep trying to find out why they do this to you and hopefully things will work out in the long run


Answer by  amiv (249)

They are probably not pushing you away. They simply can't give you all of the attention you want. Sometimes, you have to give people some breathing room and let them come to you when they're ready. Develop interests so that you're not dependent on anyone to occupy your time.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

You are probably annoying the people who love you. Think back and see what it is you do that could be bothersome. You could be condescending to them also. Maybe you talk too much about subjects they are not interested. If these people love you they should want to be around you so examine yourself.

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