


Question by  Monica17 (19)

Why do people put sweaters on chihuahuas?

Do they need them?


Answer by  TV (305)

People put sweaters on chihuahuas for several possible reasons. One reason may be because chihuahuas typically have short hair, so they may get cold easily. Often a dog will not want to go outside if it is too cold. A sweater is needed to keep them warm. A second reason may be that a sweater is a fashion statement.


Answer by  Valenas (38)

Just like with babies, smaller animals can be more vulnerable to heat and cold. Additionally, there are pet owners who simply enjoy dressing up their animal companion.


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

They tend to put them on to keep the dog from getting cold in the winter. These dogs tend to have very little fur and get cold quickly. The sweater tends to help them to stay warm and keep the body heat close to their bodies. They can get shock if they are not protected from the cold.


Answer by  decomom (923)

It can be just a fashion statement but if the dog lives in a climate with cold winters they need the protection to keep warm when outside.

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