

Question by  tornado (36)

Why do I have a throbbing head after taking an energy supplement?


Answer by  nerdgirl (78)

Taking an energy supplement gets your heart beating faster and you blood pumping, this would cause your throbbing head. It can also be caused when you are coming down off of the energy supplement and the blood flow and your heart rate begins to slow.


Answer by  John (9008)

Energy supplements contain many ingredients that increase your heart rate. Caffiene is just one such ingredient. The throbbing head is almost certainly the result of elevated blood pressure. It would be smart to avoid consuming these sorts of energy drinks, as high blood pressure is dangerous.


Answer by  msdee (24)

Most engergy supplement today have a high dose of caffine in them to boost your energy. The caffine in those types of supplements also help to speed it into your blood system.


Answer by  madrejesica (28)

My head hurts because I unintentionally O. D. 'd on caffine. I took the supplement with a Starbucks double shot latte, before I read the ingredients of the supplement. What I should have done was drink a big glass of water to hydrate me and maximize the energy supplement.

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