

Question by  mvgd (49)

Why do cats vomit all the time?


Answer by  Tracipoo (1329)

Sometimes a hairball will cause your cat to vomit. Also, if he/she eats too fast or too much, it cant cause it to vomit. If you cat goes outside and eats grass out of your lawn, then his tummy is probably upset. Also, if he eats insects, rats, mice, or lizards, that could also make him sick.


Answer by  worker4355 (99)

Cats are carnivores and need to be able to vomit regularly and almost at will. Because they are by nature wild animals, they kill and eat their kill, including claws and fur at times, and need to be able to vomit at will to remove the undigestable food.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

There are a few reasons. The first is hairballs. Cats will often puke up balls of hair which they get in their stomachs from licking themselves clean. They will also vomit when they eat something they are allergic to or that upsets their stomachs. If you think your cat is allergic to it's food you should switch it.


Answer by  Mopes (31)

If your cat vomits on a regular basis, first attempt to change their food. They may be overeating or having a reaction to that particular brand. If problems continue, there is many possible options, including toxins in the environment or other health issues.

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