

Question by  George69 (17)

Why are blood vessels bursting under the skin on my hands and fingers?


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

This is a common problem in the elderly because the elastin starts to break down as we age. However, it can also be a sign of certain diseases like Cushings disease. See your doctor.


Answer by  Tiera19 (97)

It could be from numerous things including stress,overuse of that particular body part, or even lack of vitamin C. If concerned, ask your physician.


Answer by  Jojo87 (11)

This may be happening because of repeated trauma to your hands and fingers. When we get hit, pressure builds in the veins and small capillary and sometimes it causes them to burst.


Answer by  spoiledtraveler1 (106)

There might be a variety of reasons why the blood vessels under your skin on your hands and figures have burst. Perhaps there is something wrong with your circulation to these extremities that is causing swelling of the hands and fingers and are creating pressure. This pressure build up is in turn causing the blood vessels to burst.


Answer by  Salena (93)

Your blood vessels might be under pressure. Make sure your not doing tasks that could easily damage your hands. If the condition worsens, contact a doctor.

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