who is

 who is


Question by  Leslie67 (41)

Who is Kathryn Jackson?

Why is she famous?


Answer by  echurch (393)

Kathryn Jackson is married to Joe Jackson.She is a Jehovah's witness. She is the mother of ten children. She is famous for her children. Most of her children are very talented. She brought her children up in Gary Indiana. Her most famous children are Michael and Janet Jackson. Both Michael and Janet made it to super stardom.


Answer by  Sett (1838)

Kathryn Jackson is a book writer and author of children's books. She is known for writing A day at the Seashore, Nurse Nancy, and Puss in Boots written about a clever cat who wont settle for having a poor master. These books are part of a collection of popular books called The Little Golden Book and they are classics.

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