
 legal  name


Question by  Scarecrow (108)

Where do you go to change your name?

Is there a fee?


Answer by  ryanleatherman (78)

you have to go down to the County clerks office and get a form and fill it out, each county cost different countys are different on fees but there is a fee, you just have to call to find out what it is. Then you have to go to court and have it approved.


Answer by  ubiquitousthey (6)

There is no one place to go to change your name. You must go to a variety of place to change your name. The most important steps are contacting the Social Security Administration and the state government agency that issues driver's licenses and IDs. You also need to contact financial institutions to notify them of your name change.


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

You have to go to the probate court in your city/town to change your name. You fill out some paperwork explaining why you want the change. There is a fee. I am not sure where you are but it is $50 in my state.

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