

Question by  Boone (29)

Where did Lovebugs originate?

The band, not the bug!


Answer by  FluffyKitty (109)

It really is too bad that it is the band you are talking about because if it was the bug I would be saying wherever they came from please take them back as soon as possible. I sure hope the band is not as obnoxious as the bugs are lol.


Answer by  Surra (14)

The Lovebugs are a Swiss Britpop inspired band from Basel, Switzerland founded in 1992 They are one of Switzerland's most successful bands with three number one albums in the charts.


Answer by  tclawhorn (89)

The Swiss band Lovebugs were the product of Adrian Sieber, Sebastian Husmann and Julie Lauper getting together and winning a talent show in Basel, Switzerland. The success from their show kick started their music career and allowed them to start recording albums and take the Swiss music charts by storm.


Answer by  BigMomma2 (132)

More info about Basel, Switzerland. It is pronounced *Bazel* and is Switzerland's third most populous city. Located on the river Rhine it has over 731,000 people. It is major in the pharmeceutical and chemical industries so it wouldn't be thought of as a music mecca at all.


Answer by  xd545 (25)

The band Lovebugs is a Britpop band that originated in Basel, Switzerland and was originally founded by Adrian Sieber, Sebastian Hausmann, and Julie Lauper in 1992.


Answer by  Amber66 (59)

The successful band Lovebugs comes from Basel, Switzerland and were founded in 1992. They all came together when Adrian Sieber placed a sign in a music shop window looking for a drummer. A year after recording their first album that original drummer was replaced by Simon Ramseier. They have been working together on and off over the last few years.


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

The lovebugs is a swiss alternative rock group from basel, switzerland. The group was founded in 1992. The group was started by adrian sieber and sebastian "baschi" hausmann and drummer julie lauper when they met in a music store. They released their first album in 1994 called fluff. They are currently one of switzerlands most successful bands.

Reply by DixieDaisy (112):
Unfortunately international success keeps eluding them which is a shame. They are doing good in their home country though having had three of their albums top the charts. Certainly they qualify as one of the most successful bands in switzerlands history. The music store where they met was Drummer Wanted.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Lovebugs origanated from the University of Florida.The scientists trialed an experiment, to wipe out misqutos. It was an experiment gone wrong. In the late afternoon, the container where the lovebugs were being kept, it tipped over and they got loose. The average lovebug has approximately two days to live.

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