Craigslist has a nice section in the personals area for people looking for friends. You can go to the craigslist area for any country in the world and post looking for a pen pal or pen friend. I think it is a marvelous idea and not enough people do it anymore!
There are several online sites, like PenPalsFinder, where you can do a search for a specific pen-friend. Churches often have affiliations with overseas churches, so check that, too.
You can start by going online to different websites like , or or if you looking for a specific type of pen friend like in christianity or religion you can go to . If you want you can even start pen friending inmates, military folks . their websites are or
There are many places to go to find adult pen pals. There are three websites that are respected in this area. You can go on the internet to find sites. Good luck.