
 fruit  garden  when


Question by  StacyDeLoe (27)

When should I expect my citrus trees to flower?


Answer by  ruth (407)

Citrus trees take about ten years to flower the first time. The first buds appear in early winter and continue to grow through the winter and early spring. If they flower early they first blossums may fall off when there is a freeze but a second batch of flowers will appear later and turn into fruit.


Answer by  DtheM1 (1150)

Being tropical plants, citrus trees need a lot of sunlight and warmth to bloom. This will usually be in summer but may be earlier depending on where you live.


Answer by  ruffy (1117)

i have tree that flower all summer and winter, but i have tangerine tree that bloom only once a year and a lime tree that only blooms once a year to

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