


Question by  jessyjuan (290)

When is milk unhealthy?


Answer by  knightmare (1231)

Milk is high in fat, so the more you drink the unhealthier it can get. Obviously milk has a lot of good qualities, such as calcium and vitamins, so it shouldn't be ruled out together. There are many types of milk at the store with different fat contents, that you can compare using taste and healthiness as a barometer.


Answer by  brendalea2121 (206)

The only time milk is unhealthy is if you drink too much of the bad kind. For example, if you drink milk straight from a cow you should only consume very little. You should also drink milk like 2% in moderation. When you drink too much it can be considered fatty. The healthiest milk is skim milk.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

When lactose intolerant persons use milk or milk products in their food intake, that is unhealthy for them. One claim reports milk contains cancer causing hormones. Another claim says cows given antibiotics will cause humans to become immune to antibiotics.


Answer by  kakoe (989)

Milk is generally healthy for you, but drinking whole milk or even a lot of 2% milk can be unhealthy because of high saturated fat content.


Answer by  Esteme (274)

Milk is almost always unhealthy since it contains many hormones as well as a high amount of calories and fat; if you're not a baby cow, then don't drink it.

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