pet health


Question by  heidihawk (1)

When do I get my dog's booster shots?


Answer by  kevinHowe (27)

your dog should have its final shot when its about three months old. For boosters you are usually talking about one year after and every year from then on. Usually if you have reistered your puppy with a vetinary surgeon it is they who should contact you with a reminder, making it less of a worry for you


Answer by  lovemydoggies (17)

Your puppy should get it's first shot when it turns six weeks of age. From the time your puppy gets it's first shot their next due date should be three weeks from the date of the first shot. So every third week from the date your puppy should get it's shot until it has four sets total.


Answer by  Ashli (251)

You can get your dog's booster shots in several places. The easiest place to go is the vet, but they tend to be the most expensive. You can also look in your newspaper, phone book or other listings to see if mobile vet clinics do shot clinics at your local pet food stoore.


Answer by  Amy21 (460)

You should give your dog booster shots every 12 monthes. Just like people they need to be kept on a schedule of having up to date shots. The main shots that a dog should get every year are Rabies and detemper. These are the most importnat to keep your dog healthy and active.


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

Dogs should be vaccinated at the following intervals. The adenovirus or what we know as kennel cough should be given every 7 years and parvovirus at that interval as well. Rabies and parainfluenza should be given every 3 years. Distemper should be given at 5 years and 7 years depending on the strain.


Answer by  Anonymous

I got my puppys booster shots at 8 weeks of age as my vet advised, for the second one i am waiting 2-3weeks until she has it.

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